Sunday, June 14, 2009


I was just checking out movie trailers on youtube then suddenly rase mcm nak tgk trailer ceite Titanic plak. Even that movie is years ago. I think it was 1997 when the movie was premiered. So i was 10 that time and doesnt give a damn about that movie sgt. Masuk secondary school baru la nak melayan ceite tu. Agak la ketinggalan. I know... The first time i watched that movie, gile nangis la. Such a sad story and lagi teruk because its a true story. I imagined kan ape la org yg dlm kapal tu rase during that time. I dont know what will happen to me if i was there and see with my own eyes that the person i love mati depan mata. X kisah la boyfriend ke, family ke or friends but its awful.

There was one time aku bace kat magazine ape ntah, all the stories about the survivors from Titanic. Ade yg ceite dia nampak ayah dia tenggelam depan mata. And ade yang ckp during that time, mmg diorg lebih pentingkan org yg kaya2. Yg golongan sederhana smua kena tunggu turn utk naik kapal lain. Its not fair kan. In fact, dulu ade la a few black people pon nak join the cruise but they are not allowed to because of color differences. Teruk kan? And when the Titanic news appeared on the frontpage after that night of the incident, all those black people just smile...Discrimination....Ok,When i read that article, mmg aku rase sedih sgt. I cant imagine the real situation. Mmg kita bole imagine based on what people told us and from what we read but those who actually were there is the one yg truly know what happen that night when the Titanic sank.

Then i found this video on Youtube which i think is interesting cause i've never seen this pictures before so im kindda addicted to it. I watched it again and again and i couldnt control my self. I was crying and my legs was shaking. Awal2 video pon aku dah nangis kot! gile sensitive la Wanie! I just taught its interesting to share it here in my blog. Ok, before that, prepare tissue with you now!

Awful right? While i was doing this, i was listening to My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion just to get in the mood. Yeah... poyo kan? But still, i feel like i was there when it happened. And here's another video i found on Youtube about how the Titanic sank that night.

I dont know why lately im sooo into history. I used to hate history especially back in high school. But now i think its interesting to know what had happened before like years ago. To study about ancient history is cool i think. Maybe just nak belajar sendiri from internet bole la, but to actually amik course in History for Degree, haha kirim salam la. All i can say is that Titanic is one of the most interesting history to know about. Even my lil brother pun sumtimes kindda drown with it too when he watched Titanic with me. When he was little, he kept asking me 'Betul ke cerite betul tu kak wanie?' and i said of course its true. And that night he kept asking my mom and me about Titanic. He was 5 years old that time. Haha, i think its cute. I just hope that when i have a chance to be in that kindda ship, hopefuly nothing will happen to me or any person that i love. Ok then. L8er!

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