Friday, September 25, 2009

Al-Kisah Hari Raya

Its the 6th day of raya already and im already back home. I still feel like it was yesterday i was busy packing my stuff to go to my Kampung. Its just a blink of an eye and everything is over. My getaway is over. Hmm, i dont know why i called it a getaway. Maybe because i need a break from my busy life in campus. Yeah, thats what i need! I was so happy to go back to celebrate Hari Raya with my family and cousins. Duit raya pon bole tahan byk jgk but i dont think i have to mention brape jumlah duit raya aku this year. Remain secret. Hehe.

Tapi, time raya ni lah mcm2 kisah aku nak cerite cause this is the time a lot of things happened and it made me realized about something. I am so sick with my uncles and aunties attitude. Seriously i had enough of it. Everytime bila balik raya they will start asking me question yang to me agak annoying. Contohnye 'Bile nak grad? Amik course ape? Knape lambat sgt grad?' and so on. Diorg mcm pandang rendah gile kat aku and i know that they think course mass comm cam hampeh je. Kire mcm course yang cikang la x bole hidup. Excuse me? Ni bukan zaman 'ibu mertuaku' ok yang nak kene jadi lawyer, engineer, doctor baru bole hidup! Sumpah boring! Get a life la. Im so gonna prove to them yang course yang aku amik ni bole buat aku senang later in future. Just wait and see and when that time comes, diorg x bole nak ckp ape lg and i will laugh like hell! Haha.

My uncles and aunties ni mcm banggakan sgt pasal anak diorg. Cerite kat aku mcm mane their life duduk kat MRSM. Please lah. Like i care. Bile my uncle cerite aku nak tergelak pon ade. My uncle ni punye mcm dah bagus la cerite kat aku, anak dia mmg x bole tgk tv. Mmg my uncle ni kawal ketat gile la anak dia ni. Then i said to myself, sampai bile dia nak kontrol? For how long? Kalau dah terlalu control sgt, then once bile anak dia dah masuk university, and on that time my uncle dah x bole nak control lg, haha time tu mmg anak dia akan culture shock habis lah! Silap2 bole rosak terus anak dia weyh. And if anak dia nnt continue study kat luar negara, i dont know what else to say. Mmg culture shock to the max! In my opinion, thats not the right way to treat your children. If you think by controlling them is the best way, think again. For how long you want to control them? Sooner or later they will grow up and they need to do certain things like what teenagers usually normally do. I mean not the bad stuff la. Kalau guna internet pon x bole lansung, just imagine mcm mane anak dia nak survive nnt bile masuk university.Kalau gune google pon x reti, mcm mane kan. Susah la hidup.

Lagi sorang my uncle ni mmg slalu sgt pandang rendah kat aku. Cam bagus je. He always think that anak-anak dia tu bagus sgt. But the truth is. anak dia sendiri yang cerite kat aku yang dia kuar with this guy and that guy and i dont think the father which is my uncle know the real character anak dia ni. Aku geleng kepala je cause i know the truth. Everytime balik kampung, judging is common. Its normal already.

Sometimes i think that my uncles and my aunties ni treat their childrens like a product. They invest money for them so they can go to tuition. They sent them to tuition so that their children will know the spot questions for the exam like UPSR, PMR and SPM. Then bile anak dia dapat straight A's, mula la berlagak nak mampos. Gi kecoh satu kampung pasal anak diorg ni.Please lah. Kat kampung hari tu, my cousins asyik kene marah je dgn their parents cause diorg dah nak exam so like every hour diorg check anak diorg study ke x. Omg, this is so sick! In fact, my cousins pon came to me and tell me their problems. Diorg ckp diorg tension sgt their parents buat diorg mcm tue. I totally understand. Aku kesian jgk kat diorg ni. Ade sorang org kampung aku ni cerite kat aku yang pak cik dia ni pon suke sgt mengutuk org. Anak org tu dia nak kutuk, anak org ni pon dia nak kutuk. But he have no idea mcm mane perangai anak dia yang sebenarnye. Everyone taught that anak dia ni baik giler la. But the truth is, anak dia ni kaki minum weyh. Kaki clubbing smpi pagi. Kalau bapak dia tau, mmg terkejut giler lah. Haha. Sick sick sick.

I just hope that based on what i have seen so far, i hope that it can help me to become a good parent later in future. Aku x nak anak2 aku rase tension smpi mcm ni. Seriously kesian. So yeah this is what i called Al-Kisah Hari Raya. Mcm2 cerite, mcm2 ragam org. Anyway, gambar raya x bole nak upload cuz laptop aku buat hal plak. L8er maybe. Last but not least, dont judge cause its........ sick!

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