Its scary when i started to think how weird and drastic this world has changed. What is going to happen in 20 years time? I seriously cant imagine. People now are so focusing on trying to be individual and not afraid at all to show the world their true colors and their identity. I mean, its good for them to show their identity but what if the things that they are exposing is against the nature? To make it worse, it spread like a virus!
Im talking about gay and lesbian. I despise the idea of it. Seriously. A man need a woman and same goes the other way. Thats the nature. Thats how human population will grow! The idea of same sex love really disgust me. I mean, theres nothing wrong to care about someone with the same sex but to actually marrying them? Its ridiculous! Lots of country are fighting their right to have a same sex marriage. What the hell is this?
Its bullshit when they said that they are born that way. Theres no such thing as you're born to be gay or lesbian. You want to change it and dont put the blame on god. In fact, if i have no desire towards my opposite sex, i'd rather stay alone and just adopt a child. Instead of going against the nature! What happen if everyone become gay and lesbian? It will be the end of human species. That is so bizzarre!
Seriously i against lesbianism and gayism. Always was and always will. If only i have the power to control this stupid idealism. Its spreading really fast! In fact here in Malaysia, its pretty normal. Lots of celebrity also claimed and admit that they are gay and lesbian. Ellen Degeneres, Adam Lambert, Elton John, Lance, Clay Aiken and the list goes on. They are a public figure. Im just afraid that all their fans will start to think that theres nothing wrong of being gay and lesbian. I pity the young generations because they will surrounded with a weird environment and they kind of like have to decide if they are straight or gay. Who should we blame? I belived that its all come down to you.