Its true that we cant avoid judging others. But sometimes ape yang kita judged at first to bole jadi salah. Including me. I hate it when people judged me and called me names! Hmm, but too bad sometimes i end up being one of them. I also tend to judged others based on their character and personality. But later bila dah kenal, their true colors revealed. Not like what i was expected. Funny huh? Is it just me or everyone pon mcm tu jgk?
Its been about 3 years im in UIA and yeah i judged people a lot! Surprisingly, semua nye x betul! Ade la satu girl ni kuat giler melaram and cantik2 lah. Mmg jenis yang jaga penampilan betul. At first i taught Omg! giler lah minah ni. Poyo betul nak dressing smpi mcm ni. And i taught confirm this girl type yang sombong giler but i was wrong! After dah kenal dgn dia ni, i asked myself again, why i hated her at first? Theres nothing wrong with her. She's being herself and aku susah kat mane? Then i taught, maybe i was a little jealous of her. Not because she is beautiful which she is but i envy her high level of confidence. Like she doesnt care at all about what others think of her. I wish i have that kind of confidence! Really! And this other girl, omg i hated her so much because i think she is so fake and i dont know how to describe her. Im kind of not comfortable when im with her and at last, she's fine. She's being herself. Totally herself and she doesnt afraid to show the world who she really is! And i asked myself again, why dulu aku x suke dia? Dia x pernah pon cari gadoh dgn aku. Geleng kepala je aku bile aku pike balik perangai aku ni.
And, kalau kat UIA biasa lah, kalau girl yang pakai tudung labuh2 ni confirm kite dah set dlm kapla otak kite ni yang diorg ni mesti baik, alim. Aku pon sometimes mcm tu jgk. Kalau tudung labuh je confirm baik lah ni. Tapi rupenye suka tgk ceite American Pie! Haha! Ape cite weyh? Aku ingat org mcm ni tgk ceite Nur Kasih je. Haha. Seriously after this, i wont judge people based on what they wear or their personality cuz inside them its totally different color. Aku x terkejut pon kalau ade minah yang tudung labuh tapi jarang semayang. And aku x terkejut pon kalau ade punk girl jaga semayang. To me, semua orang sama je. Konon nye yang melainkan kita ni pakaian tapi salah! Dalam hati x de sape yang tahu. Lantak lah ape org lain nak buat, kite susah kat mana? Just be friends with everyone and put in your mind that everyone is equal.
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