Monday, October 19, 2009

Stupid assumption

For my script writing class, aku kene buat satu interview and its a group project. We have to choose a topic. Any topic and we must interview someone who is expert in that field. Its a 10 marks project so agak byk la kan. My mid term is ok but still i really want to score for this subject so agak la bersungguh2 buat project ni. My group members are Echah, Amni and Fadly. At last kitorg pilih tajuk Quality of IIUM Communication Students. We decided to interview Dr Baiduri who is the Dean of Communication Department, Prof Yusof and Dr Saodah. Kiranye org2 kuat kat department la.

Kitorg prepared 5 questions. And questions tu is about the quality of IIUM Communication student, why people underestimate comm student from UIA and we are also questioning about the facilities provided here in IIUM. Is it good enough? These are the questions that we want to asked the lecturers. My group member dah interview Dr Baiduri and i cant join them because on that time i got class. Tomorrow plak nak interview Dr Saodah.

Pagi tadi, all of us pergi interview Prof Yusof. Dia ni kira moyang kat comm department la cause all lecturers comm pernah jadi student dgn Prof Yusof ni. I was the moderator for this project and when i asked him about the facilities and why people underestimate comm student here in UIA, dia mcm tak puas hati plak. Aku mcm dah cuak. Suddenly dia tanye based on what kita buat fakta mcm ni? Ha, ape aku nak jawab weyh? But its true. Slalunye org slalu pandang tinggi budak2 comm from Uitm Shah Alam. Thats what i said to him. Skalinye dia jawab balik ha amik kau! Macam2 dia bg point nak prove kan yang UIA is way better than Uitm Shah Alam.

Aku pon at first assumed mcm tu jgk. Dulu pon aku giler sgt nak masuk uitm shah alam cause i taught kat sane offered the best for comm student. Tapi dapat uia plak. But after the interview, aku mcm bangga plak jadi student comm kat uia. Haha. Prof Yusof mmg explain good enough la why uia is better. In terms of everything. First, uia is international university and the course and subjects offered pon ikut international level. For example Statistic, Research Method and Comm Theory. Dia ckp kalau score subject2 ni senang giler la nak continue Master kat overseas. Even when your cgpa is lower than 3.0. Then dia ckp, uitm shah alam ade 5 labs only and uia ade 7 labs. UIA is well known in foreign countries and byk yang nak hantar students studies kat sini. Ramai grads from uia now dah jadi diplomats in their countries. Dekat Uitm Shah Alam, x de lansung lecturer comm yang bertaraf proff. Kat uia ade je. Mcm2 lagi lah dia ckp tadi. Agak tergamam la aku. Seriously my assumption sgt salah for all this while! Haha. Bagus jgk kitorg pilih tajuk ni. Terbuka mata sikit. Kalau x asyik nak kate Uitm Shah Alam je bagus.

Tomorrow nak interview Dr Saodah. Maybe she will add more to this. I cant wait to hear the result of the project. Hehe. I still dont know nak continue study or not cause so far i have no experience at all working so mcm x sabar2 jgk nak start kerja. Maybe lagi dpt byk experience bila dah kerja. Tapi continue study pon ok jgk. We'll see la mcm mane nnt. So far, cant decide yet!

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