Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pelan-pelan kayuh

Lately i've been using that quote a lot. Haha, seriously im trying to calm myself. Byk giler kerja for this sem and as usual, dah jadi habit aku untuk buat kerja last minute. I dont know what is my problem because every new semester, azam konon x nak tangguh kerja but sekerat jalan je lah. In the middle of semester dah mula dgn perangai lama balik.

This semester im taking statistic yang terkenal dgn byk kerja. Haha. Yeah and last nite for the first time im wearing baju kurung smpi kul 2 pagi! Baju tu aku pakai dari pagi tau. Tu nak menunjukkan mmg kerja aku byk sgt. Yesterday, my class started at 12 smpi 1.30 tapi class tu cancel then bagus la bole buat stats assignment yang kene submit today. I taught bole la siap kan but x siap2 jgk. At 2pm i got my arabic class until 3.30 then continue lagi buat stats assignment until 5 cuz pukul 5 aku ade class lg until 6.30. Then after my class finished, i have to study cuz i got a mid term exam at 8.30 so aku stay je lah kat cafe sorang2 smpi kul 8. Dinner pon sorang je sambil study all my notes. Nasib la dah prepared the notes earlier. Exam start at 8.30 but i have to go early cause i have no idea where is the venue. Nasib la dpt jumpa on time.

The format for the exam is true and false questions and overall 20 question so dpt la aku siapkan 30 minutes only. Then aku terus g discussion dgn my friends cause assignment stats ni x habis2 lg. Berejam kot nak siapkan smua padehal 10 marks je. Busy mcm nak dpt 30 marks je. At last siap jgk and i reached my room safely around 2am. Kat bilik pon aku x terus tido cause i have to touch up the assignment so nampak lagi kemas. Omg i hate maths, i hate numbers, i hate calculations! Seriously x de interest lansung. Finally dpt jgk tido around 4 am padehal class the next day start at 8.30. Nasib la dpt bangun. Thanx to Erin for waking me up.

Byk betul keje this month. Lepas raya mmg all out lah. Kerja all the time. At this time ade lagi 5 more assignments to go before final starts in November. Hopefuly my cgpa naik la sket this sem. Cant believe i only got 2 more long sem to go then habis officially. Sekejap je. Aku suke betul gune kan that quote 'Pelan2 kayuh'. I think its true. Kalau byk kerja, buat slow2 and relax pon bole siap jgk instead of giving up terus kan. Kalau mase kat matric dulu, everytime when theres a lot of work to do and when i feel like i cant take it anymore, aku give up terus. Just like that. But i got my lessons already so i dont want to repeat the same mistakes again so i kept telling myself that buat kerja sikit2, lama3 bole habis. So actually, i think even when this sem byk kerja, aku x pernah rase setenang mcm ni. X de rase serabut sgt kepala otak. Ade la once in a while but x lah smpi teruk sgt smpi nak nangis.

So basically, im proud of myself. I can say that i changed a lot compared to myself mase kat matric dulu. Mase kat matric dulu, i dont care at all about my cgpa. I never try my best mase kat sane. But now bile dah masuk main camp and bile dah nak habis study, i do care about my cgpa and so on. I will always try my best to be the person i can be and if the result is just so-so then i think its ok cause i know that i have put my efforts to it. So i dont really feel that bad. Its not like im so nuts about getting all A's in my exam. I do target for an A but if i got B then i just accept it. Its not the end of the world. Its just the beginning. Am i right? So lets pelan2 kayuh together and hopefuly i will reach the destination where i want to go.

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